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We exist to Love God and love people.

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Who are we?

At Steamboat Christian Center, we exist to Love God and love people! That is what drives everything we do.

What we value

We know that not every church is the same, but what we value at SCC is what determines what we do and how we do it.
These values are close to our hearts, and they lead us and guide us in reaching Everyone for Christ.

We believe
YOU are invaluable and irreplaceable.
You are important to us! Helping you discover your next step is one of our biggest goals.
Living out the Great Commandment is our highest calling and priority.
we will laugh
hard, loud and often!
Life is too short to not enjoy it!
we are
spiritual contributors, not spiritual consumers.
The church does not exist for us! WE are the church and we exist for the world.
we will
work hard to grow smaller as we grow larger.
We want you to know others and be known! Let's do life together.
we will
lead the way with irrational generosity.
We will love people when they least expect it and least deserve it.
We believe
that playing it safe is risky.
We will never insult God with small thinking and safe living.
We will
do anything short of sin to reach people who do not know Christ.
To reach people no one is reaching, we will have to do things no one is doing.
We believe
excellence honors God and inspires people.
We believe in doing it BIG and doing it right.
We believe
discipleship happens best within relationships.
Living rooms are better than classrooms! Cirlces are better than rows!