We’re so glad you are leading a Connect Group! Through your group and willingness to be open to God’s leading, we know people will be encouraged to grow closer to Him, be inspired to seek His calling on their lives, and create relationships with others in your group.
The Purpose of Connect Groups
Biblical Basics of Connect Groups
The Role of Connect Group Leaders
Expectations of Connect Group Leaders
Leading Your Group Effectively
Raising up new Leaders
If your Connect Group needs childcare, please contact the list below. Each of these childcare workers have been approved by Steamboat Christian Center. Adults are $15/hr and students $12/hr.
Here is a check in form to use at your event for the childcare – please download and print and bring for the childcare worker(s).
After your group, please use the Check Request Form to fill out and return to Diane Lekarczyk for payment: diane@steamboatchristian.com (one per worker).
- Sarah Snook 970-846-8198
- Tiffany Russell 970-761-0727
- Hannah Zwak 970-620-1202
- Susan Moore 540-280-2938
- Rebecca Musso 281-989-4146
Students (some may need rides):
- Alivia 970-846-8563
- Anna Dean 970-819-7759
- Emma 918-636-9710
- Maddie 918-636-6888
- Emma 941-773-6463
- Anya & Mikey 970-846-3170
- Tori 970-439-8277
- Serena 970-846-3947
- Martha 970-560-5033 (Maria is her mom)
A few things to know regarding managing your group…
1. Manage your group on your MySCC account – f you haven’t yet made an account, click here. You can also quickly find the login screen by going to steamboat.church/myscc.
2. If you talk to someone about joining your group, send them to findaconnectgroup.com to sign up.
3. As people express interest in joining your group online, you will be emailed that you have a Prospect. Please jump on these within 24 hours and accept them right away.
4. You can also invite people* to your group (whether they are a part of SCC or not) by going to your group in MySCC, and clicking on Add or Invite someone to join on the right hand side, as well as Tell a Friend, etc (cog wheel on the right). *Please use this only as a personal invite, not a mass invitation : )
5. To email your group members, log in, go to Home, Your Groups, Select the group, and on the right hand side click on Send an email. You can send an email to everyone in the group, or choose which people to send the email to.
6. You will receive an email after each time your group is scheduled to meet – please please update the group attendance within 24 hours. This info is very important to me in Connect Groups.